The Farm Raised Fish was raised in captivity and now ready to swim out to sea. It will give you the ability to paddle with ease, get into all the waves you could want, absolutely fly down the face and draw beautiful lines on your turns; creating a masterpiece on the waves. It has as a channeled single to double split concave allowing surfers the full use of the rail and allowing you the ability to unleash the full potential of the board. The wings will aid in your turns by gripping into the face on some of those bigger turns allowing you to really get some rotation on those gorgeous lines. The farm raised fish can handle small surf, and into waves that are at about head high to 1 foot over. It reaches full potential on a nice open face that you can really lay into. You will most certainly draw all the eyes on the Farm Raised Fish. 

Size availability: 5’4-6’10

Fin options: Twin or Quad

Standard set up: Quad